Corporate Policy

Communications Policy with Shareholders and Investors

PT Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk (“the Company”) always commit to the principles of good corporate governance. This communication policy was composed as an implementation of corporate governance in maintaining the transparency and accountability to the public, including shareholders and investors. The Company is obliged to present this information disclosure to shareholders in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

The objectives of this communication policy is to demonstrate the Company’s commitment in regulating the information disclosure to shareholders and investors transparently and fair in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, regarding to the principles of good corporate governance.


  1. Equivalent treatment to all shareholders and / or investors in gaining the access to the Company’s information in a fair and proper manner.
  2. Issuance of information from the Board of Director was communicated by the Corporate Secretary, by involving the Investor Relations and / or the Corporate Communication Division to deliver the information.
  3. Maintaining the responsibility and independency in the information delivery, by not conveying the confidential or material information that has further impact on the Company’s share price.
  4. Communicating the information with correct, fair and transparent way, by considering the relevance of the information provided and the delivery timelines.
  5. The Company uses a variety of channels to deliver such information, among others through the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), Annual Reports, Financial Reports, information disclosure reports addressed to capital market authorities and other informations available on the Company’s website.


1. General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS)

The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is the Company’s organization that holds the highest power and authority. GMS is a medium for shareholders to control the Company by giving approval for resolutions through the voting process.
The GMS consists of the Annual GMS (AGM) and the Extraordinary GMS (EGM). The AGM is held once a year, while the EGMS can be held at any time based on the proposal from the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners or the shareholders in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
The announcement, invitation and summary of the minutes of the GMS are published through the Indonesian language daily newspaper, the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) website and the Company’s website.

2. Public Expose

Public expose is a general presentation to the public about the Company’s performance, both operational and financial. The Company conducted public expose at least 1 (one) time a year. The public expose is attended by the Board of Directors and management of the Company, analysts, investors, media and the public.

3. Investors and Analysts Meetings

The Company also conducted seasonal meetings with investors and / or analysts to explain operational and financial performance. The meetings can be conducted individually or in groups, held at both the Company’s head office and outside. Presentation material delivered in investors and/or analyst meetings was published in the Company’s website.

Financial Statements

The Company published consolidated Financial Statements consisting of the end year, half year and interim Financial Statements.  Financial statements are submitted to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and also published on the Company’s website.

In addition, the Company also advertised the summary of end year and half year consolidated Financial Statements in the national wide distribution newspaper.

5. Annual Report

The Annual Report is the accountability report of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners in managing and supervising the public company within 1 (one) fiscal year, which was prepared based on the provisions of OJK regulation. The Annual Report is already available during the GMS invitation date or at the end of the fourth month of fiscal year, and published on the Company’s website.

6. Investor Newsletter

The Company publishes Investor Newsletters periodically every quarter together with the announcement of the Consolidated Financial Statements. The Investor Newsletter contains a summary of operational and financial performance of palm oil and wood products business segment of the Company.

Investor Newsletters are distributed tothe investor’s list and published on the information disclosure of OJK, IDX and the Company’s website.

7. Press Releases

The Company issues Press Releases related to the Company’s material information and needs to be informed to the public. In addition, the Company also publishes Press Releases regularly regarding the Company’s operational and financial performance. The press release also distributed to the media members and published on the Company’s website.

8. Website

The Company has developed a website in Bahasa Indonesia and English, which presenting various informations about the Company. The website contents are composed regarding to the OJK regulations.

9. Electronic Mail (Email)

The Company provides several mailing access in communicating with shareholders , investors , public, media and other parties. Email is used in communicating with the investors and shareholders, meanwhile media and public used the email address of  and

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Please refer to the company’s policy here

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