DSN Group and LAZIS Nahdatul Ulama Muara Wahau District Partnered to Conduct Free Mass Circumcision Event

Muara Wahau, 9 July  2024 – DSN Group, in collaboration with Nahdatul Ulama of Muara Wahau District, organized a free mass circumcision event for the communities in Muara Wahau, Kongbeng, and Telen. Held at the MWC NU Muara Wahau Office, the event saw participation from 50 children aged 7 to 12 years.

Anjar Dwi Nugroho, Regional Head of DSN Group East Kalimantan, stated that the mass circumcision event was a joint effort to enhance the physical and spiritual health of the community. Additionally, it provided an opportunity for the community to receive quality healthcare services free of charge.

“We partnered with a team of experts from PT Swakarsa Sinarsentosa’s Primary Clinic, a subsidiary of DSN Group, to ensure the smooth and successful execution of the mass circumcision event,” added Anjar.

The event was inaugurated by Nizar Rafi Mutaqin, Chairman of Nahdatul Ulama Muara Wahau District, and was attended by local government officials, community leaders, and all members of Nahdatul Ulama’s independent bodies and institutions in Muara Wahau. In his speech, Nizar expressed that the event represented Nahdatul Ulama’s role in social and health sectors, in collaboration with PT Swakarsa Sinar Sentosa’s Primary Clinic.

“Thank you to everyone who collaborated and contributed to the success of this event, especially the doctors and medical staff who provided the best services to the community,” said Nizar.

Aligned with the Company’s commitment to sustainable operations, health aspects receive significant attention, both for employees and the surrounding communities. In 2023, at the palm oil plantation in Wahau, the main clinic achieved a 100% prevention rate of major diseases.

Moreover, the Company operates 33 polyclinics that received Paripurna accreditation status in 2024, having treated over 60,000 patients in both inpatient and outpatient care in 2023.




PT Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk (DSN Group) was established on September 29, 1980, and focused on palm oil, wood products, and renewable energy businesses. DSNG has 112.7 thousand hectares of planted area and 12 palm oil mills, which process Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) into CPO with a total capacity of 675 tons per hour. As for wood products, DSNG runs two wood processing plants in Central Java that produce panels and engineered floorings, with an installed capacity of 150,000 square meters per month for engineered floorings and 12,000 cubic meters per month for panel products. Meanwhile, the renewable energy business started in 2023 with sales from exporting palm kernel shells (PKS) as biomass feedstock for power plants in Japan.



Paulina Suryanti

Corporate Secretary

PT Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk


Jl. Pulo Ayang Kav OR.3, Kawasan Industri Pulogadung

Kelurahan Jatinegara, Kecamatan Cakung, Jakarta Timur 13930

Email: corporate.communications@dsngroup.co.id
