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FFB 3rd Party Supply Chain

The following four categories of 3rd party suppliers are recognized, wherein no 2-4 are smallholder-based supply.

  1. Independent Plantation Company (referred to as IPC)
    A non-DSNG company-owned plantation that supplies FFB to a DSNG Mill

  2. SAPRODI Co-Operative (referred to as SAPR) Sarana Produksi Pertanian/SAPRODI is a smallholder scheme.
    A partnership agreement is made between a DSNG plantation company and a community cooperative wherein DSNG provide a Limited Agricultural Production Facility Loan in various forms. DSNG buys all FFB produced from the cooperative for 1 planting cycle. The SAPRODI loan is deducted from FFB sales payments in instalments until the loan is paid off.

  3. External Cooperative (referred to as ECOOP)
    An independent smallholder cooperative that supplies FFB to DSNG mills. “Independent” here refers to absence of any DSNG support.

  4. Agent (referred to as AGENT)
    An independent trader purchasing FFB from smallholders and selling to DSNG mills.

For information, DSNG has received the total volume of FFB supply from external suppliers to palm oil mills (PKS) in 2023, with the following details: