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Rolling Out Our NPDE Strategy

Ultimately we aim to achieve 100% compliance (to our NDPE policy) and traceable by 2025 for the group, however our Principle of Shared Prosperity shall be applied to the way we engage with our suppliers and their supply base.  We shall always strive for inclusivity and in doing so we aim to collaborate or participate with various parties that share the same goals as us; to improve the quality of life of oil palm farmers, create a more prosperous palm oil industry, and enable us to better conserve our planet and its resources.  

The Wahau , Bengalon and Karangan will be our first priority for compliance, being the dominant  area which we source our FFB supply, the number of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) mills in the landscapes and the percentage of total CPO produced by volume.  Below is the timeline to implement our NDPE strategy :

We intend to implement the above using our Traceability and Compliance Process for our suppliers. We have started to implement the program at our largest plantation region, East Kalimantan. By starting with East Kalimantan, we will be 89% fully traceable and compliant by end December 2022. Our program will be extended other regions in West and Central Kalimantan in 2023 and by 2025, we aim to have our supply based 100% compliant and traceable. The progress of the achievement of KPI for DSNG Compliance to NDPE Policy is annually audited by third party audits :

RSPO, ISPO & ISCC Certifications

Third Party Audit consistent with our commitment with &Green

We will start with Mapping and Registration of our Suppliers & Socialization of NDPE

We will obtain baseline information and datasets of all critical data from which all of our palm oil mills source from third party FFB suppliers through registration of third party suppliers, comprising of all names of suppliers (including smallholder); as well as geolocation and parcel mapping. The dataset, is used for implementation and the continuous monitoring of the NDPE compliance with frequent updating and verification.  By socialization and various interventions, we aim to introduce our suppliers to DSN GROUP’s FFB sourcing policies and NDPE requirements, followed by signing of a Commitment and Code of Ethics letter that reflects the specific NDPE criteria of which third party suppliers must conform to. We will pro-actively engage with suppliers and support them in becoming compliant through tailored supplier roadmaps and through technical support, especially for smallholders with high-risk, that covers:

  • Capacity building for Cooperatives and Agents 
  • Smallholder inclusion
  • Training and awareness raising directly or through community-based platforms, on matters such as:
    • Forest conservation
    • Best Management Practices
    • Legal land tenure
    • HS & No Exploitation
    • Certification 
    • Plantation Mapping 
    • Grievance mechanisms

The roadmap with implementation milestones serves as the basis of our engagement with third party suppliers that are non-compliant during the initial gap analysis. The indicative timelines for completing roadmap is:

  • 3 – 6 months for Independent Plantation Companies.
  • 6-12 months for SAPRODI and External Co-operatives. 
  • 6-18 months for Agents.

For Nucleus and Plasma, NDPE implementation follows the fulfillment of internal requirements. This process follows the implementation of various sustainability requirements, such as Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO), Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC), and International Finance Corporation – Performance Standard (IFC- PS). All aspects of NDPE are similar to these requirements.

Traceable to Plantation (TTP) is central to NDPE. Supplier engagement in NDPE implementation goes all the way down to the supplying farmers, making farmer data collection the first step in NDPE. This process ensures:

  1. Each supplier is registered, understands the NDPE and commits to the NDPE and Code of Conduct.
  2. The farmers of each supplier are registered, and their farm locations and production capacity are known.
  3. The FFB delivered is from registered farms, indicating that it does not exceed the production capacity of the farm.

Details can be found in the 2023 NDPE Report.