Signing Of Memorandum Of Understanding For Conservation Area.

Muara Wahau, 26 September 2013 – PT Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk (DSN Group) through its subsidiary, PT Dewata Sawit Nusantara, signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoA) with Council of Dayak Wehea tribe in management of Melenyu 4 Estate conservation area, located at Desa Muara Wahau, Kutai Timur district, East Kalimantan.

Mr. Dadam Saefulbahri, Safety, Health and Environment Department Head, represents DSN in this occasion while Mr. Ledjie Taq, Tribal Chief of Dayak Wehea Desa Nehas Liah Bing represents the Council of Dayak Wehea tribe. According to this MoA, DSN Group and Wehea Tribe will cooperate in securing and monitoring Melenyu 4 Estate conservation area belonging to PT Dewata Sawit Nusantara. The total conservation area is 1,465 hectares.

Wehea Tribe is the first tribe to settle Muara Wahau area and also the oldest tribe within that area. Wehea Tribe will form a ranger group who will be responsible for patrolling and monitoring the Melenyu 4 Estate conservation area. DSN Group will contribute by means of providing basic conservation training and legal formal aspects in conservation area management.

As of today, DSN Group manages 3,500 hectares of conservation area in Kabutapen Kutai Timur, East Kalimantan. The conservation area spreads along four DSN Group subsidiaries: PT Swakarsa Sinarsentosa, PT Dharma Agrotama Nusantara, PT Dharma Intisawit Nugraha and PT Dewata Sawit Nusantara.

“Given the fact that the area has abundant biodiversity, we reserve that area before we open palm oil plantation. This is one of our commitment in environmental preservation,” Mr. Dadam Saefulbahri stated during the signing ceremony.

In managing conservation area, DSN Group cooperates with a number of competent institutions. Gadjah Mada University (UGM) is one of institutions cooperating with DSN Group since 2009. Throughout the cooperation, a team from UGM has conducted studies to map animals and plantations endemic to the conservation area, including Orangutans and planning specific corridors for animals in order to maintain their habitat.

In regards to biodiversity, DSN Group cooperates with Daemeter Consulting, an independent consultant with experience on sustainable resource management, through High Conservation Value (HCV) survey.

DSN Group was established on 29 September 1980. Initially DSN Group started operations as a logging and wood products manufacturing company. In the late 1990s, DSN Group diversified its operations to commence land acquisitions for palm oil operations and commenced oil palm cultivation in 2001 and commercial production of CPO and PK in 2002.

Supriyadi Jamhir
Corporate Communications Dept. Head
Telp: +62 21 4618135 Ext. 135

Dadam Saefulbahri
SHE Department Head
Telp. +62 21 4618135 Ext. 405