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Work with Civil Society

The company’s social responsibility is a way of life for the Company’s business. The company’s social responsibility activities are social capital investments, which functions as the basis for the development of sustainable partnerships between the company and its stakeholders, towards sustainable business for sustainable development.

In September 2015, 193 states as a member of the United Nations have agreed to adopt a new agenda for sustainable development. The SDGs represent an interconnected and holistic framework of the most pressing challenges encountered by the community and which require urgent action to ensure a sustainable future.Therefore, DSN Group has a role in supporting all 17 SDGs. Without putting anything else aside, we have chosen to focus our efforts more on the goals to make the most strategic and impactful contribution. We have identified 8 SDGs that are in line with our strengths and areas of impact as a company. The 8 SDGs also represent the greatest opportunity to establish partnerships with other parties to drive progress towards sustainable development.

SDG 2. Zero Hunger

Contribution of DSN Group includes:

  • Playing a role in the empowerment and improvement of the welfare of more than 4,000 households and farmers who supply fresh fruit bunches, and 15 cooperatives.
  • Providing training and facilitating agriculture demonstration plots, fruit orchards, and seed sources (rice, superior bananas, vegetables, fish) for communities living around the plantation and palm oil mill.
  • Playing a role in the provision/ maintenance of essential facilities and infrastructure that help raise rural income and general welfare.

SDG 3. Good Health & Well-Being

Contribution of DSN Group includes:

  • Periodic Medical Check Ups (MCU) of all employees of the plantation and palm oil mill, including SKU
  • Doctor & nurse visit program every 2 weeks to 4 villages around the plantation
  • Free outpatient & inpatient treatment at the DSN Group Clinic for the community living around the plantation, including borrowing the ambulance unit, counseling, distributing masks, etc.
  • Providing additional food assistance in underdeveloped villages periodically which reaches 800 – 1300 children/ period.

SDG 4. Quality Education

Contribution of DSN Group includes:

  • School building construction, school operational costs, teacher development, and school facilities.
  • Honor subsidies for school teachers living around the plantation
  • Elementary School Olympics to create a fun, conducive, and more competitive learning environment
  • Providing school buses and shuttle transportation for school children
  • Establishing and facilitating “Learning Houses” in villages around the plantation.

SDG 6. Clean Water & Sanitation

Contribution of DSN Group includes:

  • Provision of clean water for employees.
  • Periodic river water testing and preservation of river borders from pesticide applications.
  • Assistance for the construction of clean water installations (WTP & household channels) for the community 

SDG 7. Affordable & Clean Energy

Contribution of DSN Group includes:

  • The use of shells and fiber for diesel substitution.
  • Trial of the use of “Solar Cell” for the security post lighting
  • Bio CNG Plant Installation
  • CNG production capacity = 6,270 m3/ day
  • Fuel substitution:  5,700 liters diesel / day 
  • Meet the needs of generators > All Mill & Estate of DSN Group in Muara Wahau
  • Emission clearing 150 – 200 tons CO/ day

SDG 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth

Contribution of DSN Group includes:

  • Accommodating around 11,000 employees in the plantation & palm oil mill. More than 40% are local workers.
  • Provision of transportation units (light units, trucks, and school buses) for operations in the plantation and palm oil mills from the community.
  • Facilitating the procurement of credit institutions and cooperatives for the oil palm plantation community

SDG 12. Responsible Consumption And Production 

Contribution of DSN Group includes:

  • Implementation of B3, Organic (composting) and In-Organic waste management (waste sorting, reducing the accumulation of inorganic waste in the landfills)
  • Traceable to Plantation, with a target of 100% traceable by the end of 2020

SDG 13. Climate Action

Contribution of DSN Group includes:

  • Zero Burning and Environment Policy
  • NDPE Policy
  • Methane Capture & Bio-CNG Installation