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NDPE Policy

In principle, since its inception, DSN Group in conducting its business endeavours to implement environmental sustainability as described in the NDPE Policy. As a member of RSPO, DSN Group complies with the No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation Policy of RSPO which came into effect in November 2019. However, DSN Group has issued a more comprehensive NDPE Commitment to align itself with current best practices.

The NDPE Policy can be seen here.

Under NDPE policy, the company prohibits planting on peatlands under any circumstances, and the Company does not plant on peatlands. The Company is committed to best management practices for peatlands and soils within its lands consistent with RSPO Principle 4 on the use of appropriate best practices by growers and mills.

DSN Group is committed to the principles of Shared Prosperity, with its employees, supply chain and community, of which a key objective in our NDPE policy is to build traceable, transparent and sustainable palm oil production and supply chain, while ensuring an enduring transformation that is inclusive, through pro-active communication and engagement with our key stakeholders. To achieve this goal, DSN Group is committed to employ palm oil production practices that are:

    • compliant with national laws and regulations;

    • environmentally sound to effectively protect forests and biodiversity;

    • reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; and

    • respect the rights of indigenous peoples, workers and local communities.

The specific environmental and social performance commitments for our Palm Oil Mills and third parties that DSN Group has committed to is mentioned in section 1.4 a, b, c and d of our NDPE policy. Suppliers compliance will be measured against our NDPE Commitment together with our integrated approach to ensure the long-term protection of the forest extended to suppliers. Supplies from plantations that have deforested or planted on peat after the establishment of the NDPE agreement (31 March 2020) will be excluded from supplying DSN Group in the future.

Any suppliers to our Palm Oil Mills who have been found to have breached the No Exploitation policy shall be placed on a specific timeline to address the non-compliance according to the roadmap prescribed.

Our Report Summary can be see in link below :

Executive Summary Progress Implementation NDPE Policy Report 2020

Executive Summary Progress Implementation NDPE Policy Report 2021

Executive Summary Progress Implementation NDPE Policy Report 2022

Executive Summary Progress Implementation NDPE Policy Report 2023

Beyond just supplier compliance, DSN Group is fully committed to reduce environmental and social risk impacts as well as preserving forests within the landscapes we operate. The Integrated Conservation Area (ICA) in our Landscape Protection Plan (LPP) include conservation areas identified by land function zonation, forested areas, peatland areas, company designated conservation areas and other identified conservation areas in the landscape.

DSN Group will maintain a register of Integrated Conservation Areas (ICA) that has been identified as important landscape features mentioned to safeguard, as well as support the conservation and restoration of important forests, peatlands, and other ecologically and culturally important biodiversity and lands within the landscape in collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders, including governments, academia, civil society and local customary institutions (Lembaga Adat).

In 2019, an HCV assessment was conducted by PT Remark Asia that identified a peat area in PT MNS based on the 18,000 Ha Location permit of 125 ha. Based on this, in 2020, we reported to the RSPO GHG Panel via email on 24 July 2020 based on the HCV, HCS and AMDAL (Environmental Impact Assessment) reports contained in the Summary of assessment Report and Management Plans.

Subsequently, in July 2024, based on communication by the National Land Agency and their land map number : 31/2023 revision1:19 July 2024 the land concession area of PT MNS after enclaved was reduced from 18,000 hectares location permit (IL) to 5,191 Ha HGU. In the aforementioned map, the 125 hectares of peatland was excluded from the previous IL. Please click here for the latest map of the location permit of PT Mitra Nusa Sarana overlaid with the location of the peat area stated in the Remark Asia report. As such, the company has no operations on Peatland.

In accordance with DSNG’s commitment with &Green, the implementation of LPP will begin in seven plantations in East Kalimantan with targets and achievements of environmental returns that can be seen in the following table: