Long-Term Collaboration for Sustainable Village Forest Management in Sepakat Jaya Village

The Village Forest Management Agency (LPHD) Lemmanis and PT Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk (DSNG) have just inaugurated a Long-Term Collaboration to manage village forests (VF) in Sepakat Jaya Village. The inauguration was opened by the Regent of Ketapang Regency, represented by Mr. Absalon as the Expert Staff of the Regent in Community and Human Resources Affairs, and the Head of the Provincial Department of Environment and Forestry represented by Ms. Setiyo Hariyani as the Head of the Rehabilitation and Community Empowerment Division.

The collaboration program between LPHD Lemmanis and DSNG started in 2024 and will last for 25 years until 2049. This collaboration between LPHD Lemmanis and DSNG is part of the remediation and compensation mechanism (Remediation and Compensation Plan, RaCP) of DSNG in fulfilling the requirements of RSPO. The preparation and implementation of DSNG’s RSPO RaCP in Lemmanis Village Forest, Sepakat Jaya Village, are facilitated by Community Forest Ecosystem Services (CFES).

Arif Aliadi, Chairman of the CFES Executive Board, stated that “This program will provide technical assistance and funding facilitation support to LPHD Lemmanis in preparing and implementing the RKPS (Social Forestry Work Plan) of Lemmanis VF for the next 25 years. This program will also support the improvement of health and education services through periodic free medical treatment activities, and provision of education assistance and scholarships for elementary, junior high, senior high, and college levels.”

The Regent of Ketapang Regency, in his address delivered by Mr. Absalon, highly appreciated the activities carried out by DSNG and CFES in Lemmanis VF. “We hope that similar programs can be implemented in other villages so that more rural communities can be assisted in managing forests in their villages as well as the health and education of future generations.”

In line with the Regent of Ketapang, the Head of the Department of Environment and Forestry, represented by Ms. Setiyo Hariyani, also expressed appreciation for DSNG, “DSNG is extraordinary, even though it doesn’t have plantations in Ketapang, it is willing to support village forests in Ketapang. Hopefully, other districts will not be envious; if they are envious, it means similar programs should be established in other districts in West Kalimantan.”

Lemmanis Village Forest has obtained management permits through the Minister of Environment and Forestry Decree on March 30, 2021, with Decree Number SK.1538/MENLHK-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/3/2021 concerning Granting Village Forest Management Rights to the Lemmanis Village Forest Management Agency covering ± 6,967 (Six Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-Seven) hectares located in the Protected Forest Area (HL) in Sepakat Jaya Village, Nanga Tayap District, Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan Province.

The residents of Sepakat Jaya Village, and the surrounding villages participating in the inauguration event, warmly welcomed the cooperation program. They realize that this is not merely a grant but a reward for the services they provide in preserving the forests in their villages. Redimansyah, Chairman of LPHD Lemmanis, stated in his speech, “We are delighted that our efforts to protect the forest are supported by companies and CFES; we know this is not free money, which means we really have to take care of our forest to continue receiving support.”

About 80 people participated in this inauguration event, including government officials, companies, NGOs, as well as residents of Sepakat Jaya Village and surrounding villages. The presence of stakeholders, including the Local Government of Ketapang Regency, demonstrates full support for the implementation of community-based conservation programs carried out by LPHD Lemmanis. The collaboration between the government and the community, supported by NGOs and companies, forms a strong foundation to ensure the sustainability of village forest conservation efforts and the welfare of the community in Sepakat Jaya Village.

The invited guests were warmly welcomed by the traditional rituals of Sepakat Jaya Village, starting from the welcoming flour ceremony dance and Dayak tribe dance to the presentation of souvenirs in the form of woven bamboo bags from non-timber forest products (HHBK) of KUPS Tanjung Pandan, Sepakat Jaya Village. DSNG, represented by Compliance & Management System Head Agustinus Triwibowo, expressed appreciation and hopes for LPHD Lemmanis and CFES “to ensure the success of this program, the village forest can be preserved and bring economic benefits to the community. Especially for LPHD Lemmanis to become a self-sufficient institution, not dependent on anyone, and able to manage their forest in terms of planning, funding, and implementing their work plans. Hopefully, this will be a good first step in supporting community village forest management, setting a good example of responsible corporate operations, and making a real contribution to the health and education of rural communities.”

As the inauguration gong sounded, the joy of the community burst forth. May it be a good start for conservation programs in rural communities.
